Manufacturers extract cannabinoids and terpenes from cannabis plants and make products out of the extract. The types of products they make vary widely and include:
Food and beverages
Vape cartridges
Lotions and balms
Lozenges and sublingual sprays
Pills and tablets
Dab, shatter and wax
Manufacturing steps differ based on the type of manufacturing, but generally include:
Extraction of cannabinoids
Post-processing (refinement) of cannabis extract
Infusion of extract or plant material with other ingredients
Packaging and labeling cannabis products
The type of manufacturing license you need depends on:
What activities you do
Whether you do extraction and post processing
What types of chemicals you use (if any)
You need a different license if you manufacture in a shared-use facility.
Documenting manufacturing processes
Manufacturers must keep up-to-date documents with their procedures and instructions for making products.
You have to construct and follow to the
Product quality plan
A product quality plan includes:
Master manufacturing protocols
Batch production records
Packaging and labeling